Seventh Seal in Revelations 8 in the Bible

This is a cut down version so there is not anything about the Tent Cities. I have a friend who recently had a dream and I consider it a prophetic dream. To cut to the chase it was revealed to him that the second coming will be sooner than he thought (2032) when I mentioned that I did not feel that the time period before the millennium (one thousand years of peace) could last much longer than 2025 we spoke about several issues. According to Matthew 24 no one knows the day or the hour although the Bible clearly states that we should be watching for the signs and it also says that Christ's coming will come as a thief in the night to the wicked but to those that are watching it shall not be as a thief in the night.

The Mayan Calendar ends in 2012 which really will just be in the middle of the angel that hides one third of the sun, moon and the stars also causing crop problems. I don't believe it will be the end of the world but this was just the end of one era and it will be the start of another. The Aztec calendar cycle ends in 2025 and April 6 also falls on a Sunday in that same year. The Authorities have warned us many times and now is the time of real spiritual preparation for those that will listen. I don't think that the cities of refuge will come much sooner than 2018 and Robert Kyiosaki predicts that the worlds largest stock market crash will occur in about 2016-2019 or so. I have lots of other notes but I don't know if you will be interested.

My purpose with this information was not to outline a date of the second coming nor to scare people but to wake us all up to the fact that we need to set our lives in order and recognize that the time for goofing off is over. We are not saved by works although the Bible clearly states that if we love Christ we will keep his commandments and those that really love Christ will strive to obey the commandments. "If ye love me keep my commandments". The information on the seals is clear although the brethren have not told us that each Angel gets any specific time to complete his mission. Bruce R. stated that he felt some of the seals could flow together and overlap as far as the signs. The dates given are just examples and I have other dates I have put together that have a wider range than these do.

For those that are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, do not discount the information before you read the Bible references and pray about it for yourself. You do not need to believe in the Mormon modern prophets as I do to understand these scriptures and time tables. The members of the restored church will not be the only Children of Light on the earth so read, listen, learn and understand.

I thought some of these things were interesting and through prayer and study each person can have their own confirmation of what they see in the scriptures. My goal was not to provide any new information but only present what information is already available in the scriptures. If any of my information that I presented does not agree with the scriptures then I would suggest you discard that portion of information.

Some Christians feel we are still in the fifth or sixth seal and after obtaining a good understanding of the seals, the time periods of a day to God is one thousand years to man we can learn more about God's plan for the earth. Others feel that those that believe in the Bible are crazy fanatics and that the information in the bible is not meant to be taken that way. To each his own.

The book of Daniel is also full of math and numbers that are really fun to play with. I would suggest that running these numbers is a bit more productive than playing X box games but we need to remember that the priorities in our lives need to stay in balance and spending too much time or being obsessed with a date for the second coming could become dangerous and unwise but ignoring such signs would also be very unwise.

I have quoted LDS Scriptures and out of the Bible and some of my friends are not Mormons and I respect that as well. Personally I believe the modern day revelations and feel that it adds to the pieces of the puzzle that the Bible gives us. The Book of Mormon speaks of Christ's visit to the Americas after his death and resurrection and the Doctrine and Covenants is modern day scripture to those of us in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Interesting information - Are we ignoring the signs and claiming these disasters just happen in all ages and that these things don't really tell us of future items to come? Is it a possibility that I am just reading the signs and seeing what I want to see?

Robert Kyosaki predicts the world's greatest stock market crash in about 2016-2018 in his book Prophesy based on financial data etc....

Rex Vaughn an LDS author predicts a famine within the dates 2010 to 2017 based on patterns taken from the Book of Mormon the famine does not have to be in the US so we should not focus on ourselves as the only possibilities.

President Hinckley reminded us of the 7 years of plenty and famine in the 1998 Priesthood session telling us we still had time to prepare. Later in 2001 President Hinckley said that the vision of Joel had been fulfilled.

In conference they are now concentrating on spiritual things because if we did not listen about the physical before it won't matter.

Comparing the information from the Bible and Doctrine of Covenants I have noted some interesting information and when I had the opportunity to go hometeaching to Cleon's home we got some other insights. My goal is not to scare or even warn because we have been warned and called to repentance already. My goal is to wake people up from their apathetic sleep where we appear to be only worried about what movie we will see next or when our next T off time is or what we will buy for the house etc...

Revelations 8 verse one says " and the seventh seal was opened and there was silence in HEAVEN for the space of about a half hour" then it outlines the destruction to be sent upon the earth from God through several angels. I feel that the silence in heaven will be due to the fact that people in heaven will be watching with their mouths wide open as these final angels act. Heaven has been a place that has been busy as of late and angels are going back and forth from the Spirit world to heaven and much work is taking place there. When the angels were let loose heaven watched because this is the time that had been foretold for ages. There will be anything but silence on earth at this time.

The scriptures clearly state that one day to God is a 1000 years here on earth hence 500 years here on earth is only 12 hours to God ,250 years on earth is 6 hours in heaven, 41.6 years here on earth is 1 hour in heaven and a very important calculation is 20.83 years here on earth is 30 min or about half an hour in HEAVEN. Dan 2:21 , Abr 3:4 and 2 Pet 3:8

If indeed each angel gets 2.9 or 3.5 years each and we divide the 20.83 in 7 then we get 2.9 years each angel, if we only divide by 6 then the number is 3.47 years per angel. The reason it might be six is the seventh angel comes and then Christ's coming happens so it may or may not take the 3 years to complete so I did it both ways. Below is an outline not meant to pick specific dates.I used 3 and 3.5 instead of 2.9 and 3.47.

The first angel is destruction upon the earth by FIRE - We had record fires during the three years from 2001 to 2004 or 2001 - 2004.5

The second angel is destruction upon the OCEAN - We had the Tsunami and many other ocean hurricanes from 2004 to 2007 or 2004.5 -2008

The third angel is destruction upon the fresh water - More people die of contaminated water now than war 2007 to 2010 or 2008 -2011.5

4th angel is SKY problems to cover 1/3 sun, moon and stars (pollution, volcanic ash, nuclear, solar flares etc...)2010-2013 or 2011.5-2015

The fifth angel is WAR 2013 to 2016 or 2015 -2018.5

The sixth angel is WAR 2016 to 2019 or 2018.5 -2022 (Possibility that 1/3 of mankind killed) I hope I am not reading these scriptures correctly or that maybe the Lord is not doing things in order or maybe each angel does not get 2.9 or 3.5 years and hopefully we have many more years before any of this happens. I first started my charts in 1979 when I was 15 and in 1986 I started sharing these things with my friends and let's hope the pattern that appears to be appearing is wrong. Well, I don't know, I think the second coming will be wonderful although I don't look forward to the problems to occur right before his coming. The 21 period of destruction in the beginning of the seventh seal will be difficult. If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.

The Seventh Angel 2019-2022 or 2022-2025.5(Either more war/mysteries and then the second coming or just the second coming) Granted there are many more scriptures than just these simple ones. We have some other things that John saw that he did not record in Revelations so some of these things have been kept from us. There are mysteries mentioned as well. The important thing for us is to be ready at all times with love in our hearts and we should be striving to be as Christlike as possible. Being prepared for disasters is prudent and being prepared for spiritual trials is also wise. Many people will mock those that continue to believe in Jesus.

Could John have seen our time or did he see much farther in the future? I would like to believe that what John saw was more dramatic and possibly in 2050 or 2060 and that I am just reading what I want to see into these dates although I do believe it will be much sooner than many people think it will be.

Looking at the clock via the calculations, the LDS Church was restored just before 8PM (If the 1st 12 hours was the first 500 years and the second 500 years etc...) that means in 1833 it was just before 8PM or THE SATURDAY EVENING OF TIME. The authorities used to say this quite often and after 1958 some began to say "WE ARE IN THE ELEVENTH HOUR" 2001 minus 41.6 years was 1958 and 1959 depending on when you count since I used April 6th to start the year. The eleventh hour would be the last 41 years before the opening of the seventh seal.

If you can picture two clock faces and imagine that the first 12 hour clock face is the first 500 years of the 6th seal and the second clock face is the second 500 years of the 6th seal. Now remember that each hour is 41.66 years so when you see 8 PM that would be apx 1833 and adding increments of 41.66 years you will get to 1958 which would be 11PM. This would be the last hour or 41.66 years before the 7th seal was to open.

God is a God of order, are we really that close?

Could we be in the Seventh seal? Could the seal have opened and the Prophets not said anything about it? Why should they? The children of light will not be surprised. It will not sneak up on them, it will not be as a thief to the Children of Light. 1 Thessalonians 5:5

Could four of the angels already have poured out their destruction and most of us did not notice? Could the 2012 end of the Mayan calendar be part of God's prophesy that John saw when 1/3 of the sky was darkened by something?

In D&C 106 we find that His coming will not be as a thief in the night to the Children of Light. Who are the children of light? This is also found in the Bible as well. 1 Thessalonians 5:5

Joseph Fielding Smith said he knew when Christ's coming would be, it would be TOMORROW referring to SUNDAY since he said we were living in SATURDAY - D&C 77:7 where it explains that each day was 1000 years

1st Seal was 4001 BC to 3000 BC - Mon

2nd Seal was 3001 BC to 2000 BC - Tues

3rd Seal was 2001 BC to 1000 BC - Wed

4th Seal was 1001 BC to 0 (1 ) Thurs - Meridian of TIME - Christ was born at the end of Thursday and beginning of Friday

5th Seal was 0 (1) to 1000 AD Friday -

6th Seal was 1001 to 2000 Saturday (Saturday's warriors, Saturday evening of time, the 11th hour)

7th Seal 2001 to 3000 AD - Destruction in the beginning 21 years then Christ rules for 1000 years of Peace - Millennium

8th Seal 3001 to 4000 AD Satan's little season to tempt those that were born during the 1000 years of peace.

If you have 4000 on one side of Christ's birth then you will obviously have 4000 years on the other side making his birth the meridian of time or the middle. This blog is extremely simplified so when you study these items for yourself you will find answers.

In Matt 24 we find that no man knoweth the day or the hour of His coming. Yet in D&C 106 we find out that his coming will not be as a thief in the night to the children of light. I say this again because most people don't figure it out. Remember that the year used to have 360 days and now we have 365 and leap year periodically. We have gone through 2 calendar corrections already and Joseph Smith showed us that our current calendar is correct D&C 20:1 --- In the Bible we find 1260 days per 3.5 years and now 3.5 years would be 1277.5 so on my new spread sheet that is 7056 pages I have tried to take this into account along with making two columns so you can compare the calendar starting Jan and another one because the first month of the Hebrew calendar is April. This sheet I have also will allow you to see what .8333 is during the year so when you come up with numbers that are. 41.6 years for 1 hour Gods time you can see where that places you in the year. I am not trying to get the exact date but I am trying to use all truth and get the most accurate information I can. Christ himself did not know when his coming was but now he has been made Lord of Lords and his role has given him all knowledge. The Bible and other scripture hides information and it is there for us to find and discover. Read D&C 77:7 and then Rev 6 on.... Keep in mind that President Hinckley in 2001 said that the vision of Joel 2:26-28 has been fulfilled. I believe that is the 6th seal and in 2001 we started the 7th seal. Giving each of the angels 3.45 - 3.5 years rather than 3 seems like it makes more sense and matches the information best.....This changes the dates a bit from above especially starting on April 6th but you get the general idea right? I would be interested in your thoughts.

Many of the other Scriptures give us more information as well. The Book of Daniel is also full of math and interesting things as I mentioned before.

By the way, after all these terrible things we will have peace and it will be great, Brigham Young said we will still have jobs, we will eat, work, sleep and continued to be governed so just because the millennium starts is no reason to give up, stop or think we can lay back and do nothing. Before that great day many things will happen and many of them will happen very quickly. You can tell I love to talk about this stuff. Have a wonderful day and smile because you are a child of God.

We then spoke of Priorities and the four fold mission of the church to invite people to come unto Christ.

1. Missionary work - Proclaiming the gospel

2. Temple and Family History work - Redeeming the dead

3. Perfecting the saints

4. Caring for the poor

Priorities in life- What an interview with Christ might be like after you die:

1. How did you make your spouse happy in this life 2. Tell me about each one of your children 3. What did you do with your talents 4. What did you do to make your community a better place 5. Tell me what you did with your callings in the church (last of all)

I shall tell you a great secret, my friend. Do not wait for the last judgment, it takes place every day.

---Albert Camus

Mormon 9

Are we ignoring the signs that are upon us?