Attitudes towards gays Different but beautiful

What our attitude is toward gay people and what it should be may be quite different. What is politically correct now and does that matter? Personally I have friends and there is no need for me to separate those friends by their sexual orientation or even point that out nor segregate my friends by what religion, race or any other factor, they are simply that, my friends. People that are just coming out may find it liberating to flaunt their sexual orientation and that also happens with straight people too. Being an activist for gay rights is a reason to fight when someone is being taken advantage of, discriminated against or when people are victims of hate crimes and those causes are worth fighting for. I always tell my kids that life is not fair and that is the bottom line, it's not.

Personally should I care one way or another if a person is gay? If they are helping me at the store I don't ask if they are gay, if they are selling me insurance I don't ask or even care what they do in the bedroom. I remember the story of a small black boy and at school, they were arguing in front of him what was the proper terminology to call him "Black" "Negro" "African American" etc... Then he said why can't you just call me Billy? This really does bring it home about attitudes and what is fair or not fair, right or wrong etc... Some people may be worried about having gays watch their children in day care or teaching in schools but that can and should be dealt with through education. Once someone is educated they will have less fear. Now having said that I must qualify it with some information. There are good and bad people in every group of people no matter what group that is. There are good Christians and bad ones, there are good and bad people in every race and there are good and bad gays as well so it does not mean that a gay person will not steel from you or hurt your kids any more than saying if we hire Christians we won't have any problems with theft which we all know is not true. The same principle applies. Put everyone through a background check no exceptions. If the job is for security protecting large amounts of money and a gay person fails the background check then he or she can't do the job and it has nothing to do with their sexual orientation. Yes there are old school people still in charge of much of the hiring and as time goes on this will become less and less of a problem and concern.

The issues go much deeper than this because for many people that are hateful and fighting against them it does matter that they are gay, it matters to those people who appear to be offended and it matters to the gays who are being targeted. In religions and churches they claim to have love for all men just like Christ taught but when it comes down to it they are saying that if you are gay you will go to hell and that is very concerning especially when on other issues they say "God will Judge and we should not". I will see if I get any interest on this topic since I have more thoughts and opinions on this issue and then I will continue this blog later. Attitudes about gay people.