Suffering increases your faith? Mom and her brother Lyle

Marilyn Sheppick

Michelle and I went to visit my mom at the care center last night. My mom started out at Marilyn Gordon, then married David Love and was Marilyn Love then divorced him and married Ronnie Gillett and became Marilyn Gillett and then he passed away and she married Bill Sheppick and she became Marilyn Sheppick. I posted on my site 7 voice recordings of her telling about her childhood.

Last night she told me that in the past year she has suffered incredible pain and her faith in Christ has increased 10 fold. I asked her to explain it and she has a hard time explaining it verbally and holding back the tears she said that now she feels she knows a tiny bit of how Christ felt suffering for our sins. Personally I don't understand exactly what she is trying to say or convey and she said that her pain levels recently on a scale from 1 to 10 have been 13 and 14 levels and she said that she appreciates God and Christ more every day and her faith keeps getting stronger. I told her she should write about it and yet she said she cannot explain it and it is all she can do just to read a bit. She also said that her nephew has been a quadriplegic for the past 40 years and always looks at life as the glass half full rather than half empty and she said he still enjoys life and it is so hard to grasp. Many people feel they would not want to continue if others had to change their diapers and clean them etc... Many say such as my Brother that he would prefer to be shot than suffer through that. Do you think we have to suffer to end up appreciating what Christ did for us? Do you really feel that is part of the plan? Do we have to endure to the end to win the prize? No amount of our suffering could cleanse us from our own sins although she feels that it has helped her learn things that she never dreamt of learning. What say ye?

Marilyn Gordon, Marilyn Love, Marilyn Gillett, Marilyn Gillett passed away the morning of Dec 14, 2012. Her suffering ended and she is now at peace. I posted lots of pictures on my facebook of her and the funeral will be Dec 21 in Magna with the details in the Tribune.