Governor's Mansion - Utah Republican Hispanic Assembly meeting

Gary Herbert spoke to us this morning about several issues, one being immigration. Governor Herbert feels that whatever course of action we take should be done with 6 items in the forefront of our minds:  

1. Respect for the law. Governor Herbert said that we need to avoid passing any laws that look anything like amnesty. When laws are passed allowing immigrants to change their status those programs should be structured so they have to earn what they get.


2. The Federal Government needs to secure our borders, pass reasonable laws and enforce them.


3. We have to have greater accountability from businesses


4. Respect for Humanity - Governor Herbert told us he believes we are all Children of one God so we are all brothers and sisters. He said we need to be slow to offend and strive to not be offended. Whatever laws are passed should keep this in mind.


5. The police should be given the tools and the training they need in order to enforce the law. The AZ SB1070 passed without a fiscal bill so they are being told to enforce a law but they are not being given the tools, training or the ability to do so.


6. Governor Herbert said we need to releave the burden on the tax payers. He told us it is not fair for undocumented  people to come into the country and when they do, they put a great tax burden upon the rest of the people.  He said he feels we should have a high fence and a wider gate making it easier to come legally. He also stated he was in favor of a guest worker program with the proper ID system to allow people to come and go legally as jobs are available. He told us that something has to be done because people are getting very upset about illegal immmigration.


He answered several questions and when someone asked him how he felt about certain Republicans leaning toward the extreem and how it seems very few Republicans are moderate, Governor Herbert told him that he also believes in the 13th commandment which says "Thou Shalt Not Speak Negitively About Thy Fellow Republicans." He gave us the example that he and his wife don't always see eye to eye and the fact that they have a different opinion on many topics does not lessen the love they have for each other. The person asked if there is still room in the Republican Party for Hispanics and people of other ethnic groups. The Governor said he believes in a very large tent and that the principles of the Republican party are the reason he is a Republican.


He feels he can speak to people that disagree with him and work towards reasonable solutions. He told us Washington seems very polarized and that is too bad. Governor Herbert also said he would accept a bill that was drafted by Senator Sandstrom and Luz Robles if they did it together. He feels that good legislation can be put together by working hand in hand on solutions.


He stated that within the Group of Govenors the Polarization does not come into play like it does in the House and Senate. After their National meetings as Governors they go back to their States and have to keep working. He wants to know if he as a Governor has to pass and keep a balanced budget why should the US Federal Government  be any different?


He said he has interviewed 90 lawyers and appointed 18 judges but out of those 90 only 2 were hispanics. He said he does not care about your race, skin color or gender he just wants to appoint the best people for those positions. Why don't we have more hispanics that are preparing for these type of positions is a question he has for the hispanic community.


Governor Herbert stated his two most important priorities as Governor are:


1. The Economy - Hispanics in Utah have one of the fastest growing groups of small business owners and he commends this.


2. Education - The Governor is concerned at the high drop out rate of minorities from school and the fact that a much smaller percentage of minorites go to college. He said something has to be done to change this and he is working on solutions with a special task force to address these concerns.



Gary Herbert

Michelle Mejicanos future community leader

Memo and Cesar with Michelle all of which will be our future leaders.