Posts tagged Glendale
Karate class

Karate Community service

For the past 20 years Larry has taught free self defense classes to women, girls and boys in the neighborhood that could not afford to pay. Most of the time Larry taught these classes on SAT mornings and until recently he had ongoing students although most youth don’t want to wake up early on SAT so Larry has not been teaching near as much. Larry got his brown belt years ago and he has taken other styles. Now it is just a hobby. There are a few more videos of Larry’s classes on youtube. These videos were done for a few students that missed classes and needed to catch up. Larry does not teach professionally nor does he claim to be an expert. After students reach a level where they have an interest Larry encourages them to take classes at a dojo and pursue their learning with professional instructors. This class is not meant to be an open class but an example of Larry’s teaching.