Remote control of your access control system

You can now control your access control system with your smart phone:

  1. Install access control on doors in your facility and control the hours that employees can access the building, control which doors they can access and on which days and times.

  2. Since employees will use keytags or prox cards to gain access you won’t have to rekey when someone quits or is fired you can just delete their access right from your phone.

  3. We also have security systems that combine with the access control system so you can arm and disarm your alarm system and lock or unlock your doors remotely and delete or add users.

  4. The cost of an access control system will be more for the first door than the second, third etc…. The cost of the system will depend on all the features you need, the distance from the headend to each door and the cost will depend on what type of doors you install the system on such as glass, metal, emergency crash exit doors, office doors or high security doors. If the door frame is cement filled or hollow will also affect the cost of the installation. If you have drop tile ceiling and getting the wire to the doors is easy the price will be lower.

  5. We now have wireless door controllers so if we cannot get wire from the headend to a specific area but you have power at that location we can still provide an access control system and use a wireless door controller to make that happen.

  6. An access control door normally has a prox reader, door hardware lock, door status switch, request to exit motion or button or both, door controller, headend power supplies, headend motherboard equipment, cellular communicator or network connection or both and on the locks sometimes they are electronic strikes or maglocks and the reader can be a keypad with a reader, an eye scanner, a hand scanner or other biometric such as a vein scanner.

  7. Peak Alarm offers different brands of systems and we can decide on the best one that will meet your needs. My name is Larry Love and I have been in the business for many years so I can help you and guide you through the process. Call my at 801 428 1384 which is my direct office number or at 801 898 6003 which is my cell phone. Email me at

I will be happy to come to your facility and get pricing for you. If you are in the Idaho area one of my good friends can come and help you with that.