Fire Alarm design, installation, monitoring and testing.

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Security Communications

Security Systems that depend on WIFI as the only form of communication fall short if the burglar cuts the power as they often do.

Qolsys uses WIFI and a Cellular Communiator

DMP and Qolsys Security systems that Peak Alarm installs have battery backup so they will still go into alarm and still transmit the alarms via cellular signal to the central station.

In areas with no cell service we can install network panels with the understanding that you will want to have an emergency UPS backup on your network & WIFI

The Qolsys panel can communicate using cell phone and the WIFI

DMP systems can communicate using cell, WIFI or direct Internet connection to the router

Call Larry Love at Peak Alarm for a Quote on DMP or Qolsys Alarm Systems or for Access Control, Cameras or Fire Alarm 801 898 6003