Fire Alarm design, installation, monitoring and testing.

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Buyer Beware

From time to time Alarm Companies get into trouble and it ends up giving alarm companies in general a bad rap. Recently a local TV news report came out about one of our competitors which I will not mention by name. If you type in lawsuit or complaints into your search engine you will get results.

Check the Better Business Bureau on all companies before you buy. When you deal with a local company often it is easier to get to the root of problems because the owners and management are normally more accessible than when you deal with a very large corporate company that has lots of lawyers on staff. The President of Peak Alarm Don Weakley will actually talk to customers on the phone or even in person when there are issues.

  1. Alarm Salespeople that go door to door should have their blue and white DOPL license on them at all times along with a legal form of ID and this shows that they have been through the FBI background check. Many large alarm companies especially those with corporate offices in Utah will often use Utah as a training ground and then send these sales people out to other states so if they are not licensed beware.

  2. Look up the Google reviews and other online reviews of each company that you deal with.

  3. Peak Alarm has been in business for over 52 years and we have an excellent BBB record and very high Google reviews. Every large company will have some negative reviews and we use ours to look at what can be improved. When a company has several thousand negative reviews that may be reason for concern. Most large companies have been sued at one point or other and that is because people sue large companies because that is where the money is.

  4. When a company is involved in current law suits and has over 30 past law suits that also may be a red warning flag when combined with thousands of negative reviews.

  5. Some large companies advertise using their name recognition which can allow them to be a household name. Peak Alarm uses word of mouth and some local TV ads and some Internet ads as well as the artwork on our vehicles although we don’t spend millions of dollars on expensive advertising.

  6. Call Larry Love 801 898 6003 and I will come to your home or business and give you a reasonable quote for cameras, security or fire alarm. Peak Alarm is licensed, insured and factory trained and we will take care of you as a customer.