Fire Alarm design, installation, monitoring and testing.

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Keyless entry general information

Access Control – Keyless entry system notes:


Keyless entry card access systems allow you to lock or unlock your doors remotely using your phones or a browser based system.


The old way was to load software on a computer and add and delete card/tags only from that computer. Today we install systems that do not require software to be loaded on any specific computer.


Some basic information about access control keyless entry.


1.     Peak Alarm installs a proximity reader or fingerprint or eye reader at the door, most of the time we install a door status switch to monitor if the door has been held open or propped open and we install door locking hardware either a maglock with request to exit button and motion or a free egress door strike on a handle type door or panic bar.

2.     The customer needs to make sure the doors, hinges and frames are in good condition otherwise the new locking hardware may not function properly.

3.     This allows you to use a keytag proximity credential or proximity card or in higher end facilities Bluetooth credentials on phones to open the door.

4.     Management can then program each user’s access for certain times, dates and doors to only allow access specifically to their position and when the employee leaves or if let go this access can be cancelled remotely with a manager’s phone or on a browser from any computer with a password.

5.     There is a small monthly fee for door hosting and the ability to do these items remotely.  Monthly fee depends on how many doors and type of system.

6.     Peak Alarm installs PDK access control which has a very easy user interface and is not connected to your security system or we can install a DMP combination access control keyless entry combined with your security system where you use one app to control both systems.

7.     Contact Larry Love 801 898 6003 for more information and for a no cost estimate/site visit.