Fire Alarm design, installation, monitoring and testing.

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Peak Alarm ranked number sixty one in the US

Call Peak for all your security needs. Ask for Larry Love x384

Since 1991 and every year since, SDM magazine conducts a survey all alarm companies in the US. The SDM 100 Report ranks US companies that earn their revenues from the sale, installation, service and monitoring of electronic security systems. Primarily, the report measures dollars gained by alarm companies in order to determine the size of the market served by the 100 largest security providers in the US. The SDM 100 Report ranks alarm companies by their recurring monthly revenue (RMR). Last year, Peak Alarm ranked 62nd largest in the US by SDM.

I am pleased to share that SDM ranked Peak Alarm the 61st largest in their 2015 Report.

Many thanks for your focus, efforts and contributions in connection with the achievement of a very honorable position in the SDM 100 Report.

Ask for Larry Love

(801) 428 1384